🐚 Loops Workshop
Create a website that populates a page with content using a JavaScript loop. The "content" doesn't necessarily have to be text. Experiment with appending different content types to the DOM.
🌱 Extra: Try adding a random function to your script to create unpredictable outcomes.
Check out this energy doc if you are having trouble getting started →Code examples
A standard for
In this example, we first let
equal 0. Next, we tell the program to continue looping as long as i
is less than 100. Lastly, we iterate i
using the operator ++
. Notice that this will only run the loop 99 times. Can you tell why? How would we loop exactly 100 times? More on for loops here.
// do something 100 times for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // anything inside this block runs 100 times! }
A random item from an array
Replace itemsArray
with your array's name. randomItem
will equal a random item from the array. Can you see how this works? You can also put this inside a function so that you can reuse it over and over.
const randomItem = itemsArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * itemsArray.length)];
A random color function
Similar to the previous code but in this example we are generating a random hexadecimal color code.
// function to return a random color
function generateRandomColor() {
const randomColor = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
return randomColor;
Append an element to the DOM
Make a new element in JavaScript and append it to the DOM (HTML page). You could do this inside your loop to append multiple items to fill up your page.
// Create the element const el = document.createElement('div'); // Add a class name to it el.classList = 'coconut'; // Add a style to it if you'd like. el.style.backgroundColor = generateRandomColor(); // Append the element to the fruits element document.querySelector(".fruits").appendChild(el)
If you get stuck along the way. You can use the following websites to find code examples...
- Mozilla Developer Network Docs
- Search your question on Stack Overflow
- How to manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript only - some nice code examples here
- W3 Schools - JavaScript
Our sites
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